SEO Updates October 2022

SEO Updates October 2022

Here on Ask Shashank Sir we cover last month news all over comes from SEO world, this is our SEO Last Month September 2022 edition. If we missed any major updates let us know in the comment.

SEO Updates October 2022

6 September 2022

  • Microsoft Ads Announcements.
  • Google will disapprove ads that will not follow Ad Destination requirements.
  • YouTube now allows sports betting ads in masthead.

8 September 2022

  • Microsoft’s multi-platform will let you run/manage ads on Google, Facebook, and Instagram.

9 September 2022

  • Google completed the rollout of Helpful Content Update.

12 September 2022

  • Google started the rollout of September Broad Core Update.
  • Google updated reviews policy for Google Maps/Google My Business.

13 September 2022

  • Google will show products in shopping results if they are fed through valid schema data of product type.
SEO Updates October 2022
  • Microsoft announced multimedia ads that will appear on top of search results pages.
SEO Updates October 2022

14 September 2022

  • Google launched HTTPS report in Google Search Console.
SEO Updates October 2022

15 September 2022

  • Google renaming Ad Extensions to Ads Assets.
SEO Updates October 2022

20 September 2022

  • Google started rolling out the 5th Product Reviews Update.

28 September 2022

  • The 3rd Google Search On 2022 event happened on 28th September.

29 September 2022

  • GA4 will have two new measurements, “form_start” and “form_submit”.

Read More : SEO Updates September 2022

To read full official update click on the button, hope it helps your and keep updated in SEO world.

Thanks for your Time.

5 thoughts on “SEO Updates October 2022”

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