SEO Updates February 2023

SEO Updates February 2023

Here on Ask Shashank Sir we cover last month news all over comes from SEO world, this is our SEO Last Month January 2023 edition. If we missed any major updates let us know in the comment.

SEO Updates February 2023

3 January 2023

  • Google removed the 110 character limit from title of article type schema data.
  • Microsoft is going to add CHAT GPT in Bing.
SEO Updates February 2023
Chat GPT

6 January 2023

  • Google search console will not show data from product pages even if there is no schema data.

10 January 2023

  • META will not let advertisers target teen users based on their gender. 
SEO Updates February 2023

11 January 2023

  • Apple launched a business connect tool for local businesses.
Apple Business
Apple Business Connect

19 January 2023

  • Google search console will show more information about missing thumbnail issues in video indexing report.

26 January 2023

  • Google Ads announced that now you can add account wide negative keywords.

27 January 2023

  • YANDEX search ranking signals leaked online.

31 January 2023

  • LinkedIn announced SEO related announcements.
SEO Updates February 2023
LinkedIn SEO Announcement
  • OpenAI launched an AI content detection tool.
Open AI
AI Classifier

Read More : SEO Updates January 2023

To read full official update click on the button, hope it helps your and keep updated in SEO world.

Thanks for your Time.

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