SEO Updates July 2022

SEO Updates July 2022

Here on Ask Shashank Sir we cover last month news all over comes from SEO world, this is our SEO Last Month June 2022 edition. If we missed any major updates let us know in the comment.

SEO Updates July 2022

1 June 2022

  • Google id starting TOPICS API trali from 1st July.
  • Google launched Learning Resource rich results snippet
Google Snippet

3 June 2022

  •  Google will show the title of pages in the language the content is written in.

6 June 2022

  • Ahrefs launched their search engine “Yep”
SEO Updates July 2022

8 June 2022

  • Linkedin is going to launch Business Manager soon
SEO Updates July 2022
  • Twitter dropped a new product – Product Drops
SEO Updates July 2022

10 June 2022

  • Twitter removed no-follow rel tag from all external links

14 June 2022

  • Google launched text link ads called – Shopping Links
SEO Updates July 2022

15 June 2022

  • Pinterest launched a new type of ad or Ads Idea
SEO Updates July 2022
  • Google Search Console won’t show a yellow warning block in the graph
SEO Updates July 2022

21 June 2022

  • Google made clear that rich results for variants of a product page will be displayed only if they have their page.
SEO Updates July 2022

22 June 2022

  • Meta announced new policies to combat fake reviews.
  • Twitter launched long form content type called Notes
SEO Updates July 2022
  • Google launched new look of Google News.
SEO Updates July 2022

23 June 2022

  • Twitter launched campaign planner, an online dashboard to plan ad campaigns for everyone.
SEO Updates July 2022

28 June 2022

  • Yoast added index now protocol in its premium version
SEO Updates July 2022

29 June 2022

  • Google Clouds launched store locator creation tool.

Read More : SEO Updates May 2022

To read full official update click on the button, hope it helps your and keep updated in SEO world.

Thanks for your Time.

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  1. Pingback: SEO Updates August 2022 - Ask Shashank Sir

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