SEO Updates March 2023

SEO Updates March 2023

May this Holi bring a splash of success and prosperity in your digital marketing endeavors, Happy Holi!

Here on Ask Shashank Sir we cover last month news all over comes from SEO world, this is our SEO Last Month February 2023 edition. If we missed any major updates let us know in the comment.

SEO Updates March 2023

1 February 2023

  • Microsoft Bing will use “lastmod” value in XML sitemaps more seriously.
SEO Updates March 2023
XML Lastmod
  • Google Search Console Video Indexing Report will show impression data of videos.
SEO Updates March 2023
GSC Video Indexing

6 February 2023

  • Google announced BARD, a chatbot based on LaMDA
SEO Updates March 2023
Google BARD

7 February 2023

  • Microsoft launched an AI powered avatar for BING.
SEO Updates March 2023
New Bing

8 February 2023

  • Google finally launched the multisearch Near Me function on smartphones.

10 February 2023

  • Google removed TTI from Lighthouse 10 and added its score to CLS.

14 February 2023

  • Google announced Privacy Sandbox for Android.

15 February 2023

  • Google published Link best practices for Google.

16 February 2023

  • YT’s CEO Susan Wojcicki Resigned. Now Neal Mohan is the CEO.

19 February 2023

  • Meta launched blue tick verification for subscription service.

 22 February 2023

  • Google started rolling out a February 2023 update to the Product Review System.
  • Google Search Console launched new property management options.
SEO Updates March 2023
Google Search Console

Read More : SEO Updates February 2023

To read full official update click on the button, hope it helps your and keep updated in SEO world.

Thanks for your Time.

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