Facebook ads v/s google ads which one is better?

Google ads v/s facebook ads

Google ads/ Facebook ads

Google receives billions of searches per second, and the majority of search results pages include Google advertising. Google Ads, which are paid for by businesses, are an excellent way of sending relevant, qualified traffic to your website precisely when people are searching for the types of items or services your company provides.

This post will teach you what Google and Facebook ads are, how they function, and why you should run your own Google or Facebook ads.

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads is Google’s online advertising platform; it enables you to create online advertisements to attract individuals who are interested in the products and services you offer. The Google Ads platform operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, which means you must pay each time a visitor clicks on your ad. The most frequent sort of Google ad is a search ad, which displays on the search engine results page (SERP) for queries related to the advertiser’s products and services—however, businesses also use Google Ads to run display ads, shopping ads, YouTube ads, and other types of ads.

Google display ads

You can also run display ads that show on the Google Display Network, which is a vast collection of third-party websites that have agreed to host Google advertisements. Google Display advertising can be text-based, image-based, video-based, or rich media-based, and it can be targeted in a variety of ways, including audiences and retargeting.

Google shopping ads

Google shopping ads display on the main SERP as well as in the shopping tab. Because you can’t select keywords, these advertisements work differently than ordinary search ads this option is better in google ads as compared to facebook ads are. Instead, you keep a complete catalog of your products, and Google matches them to searches. You can, however, tell Google which terms your ads should not appear for.

YouTube ads

YouTube advertising is done through Google Ads because Google owns it and can’t be done through facebook ads. You can make video, text, or display adverts that will appear during and before videos, as well as elsewhere on the site. YouTube ad targeting works in the same way that display targeting does.

Why Google Ads appear on the SERP

Google Ads is built around keywords, which are the terms that individuals are most likely to search for while looking for a product. When advertisers build a Google Ads search campaign, they construct an ad with a specific offer and select a list of relevant keywords to target. When someone performs a Google search (also known as a query).Google algorithm see whether any advertisers are bidding on keywords related to that search Ads will appear on that SERP if there are any.

10 Reasons Why You Should Use Google Ads / 10 Google Ads benefits

There are numerous significant advantages. Here are a few examples.

1. Google’s enormous reach

Do you want to know if there is a treatment for your PCOD?

Do you want to know if there’s a solution that makes it easy to do cooking in an airfryer?

We can get all the solutions to our questions:

Every year, the search engine handles almost 2 trillion searches like these. That equates to almost 5 billion queries per day.

People looking for answers to problems that your company can provide are among those. If they’ve ever used the internet, they’ve probably Googled an answer to something. And if you can assist them in finding the answer, even if it’s through an advertisement, they’re more inclined to choose you over your competition, It has a way more traffic than facebook ads.

2. Capabilities that allow for a range of targeting

At each stage of the buyer’s journey, Google provides something for every organization and prospect that Facebook ads didn’t provide.

Bidding on wide keyword search terms like “accounting software” can show your ad to prospects earlier in the product research phase, allowing you to fill the top of your funnel with two relatively easy yet powerful techniques:

Capture their information with your post-click landing page, and then start providing them with instructive content that establishes your authority. If they do not convert, use retargeting software to persuade them to.

Bidding on long-tail keyword search terms like “accounting software for freelance marketers” is another effective way to expand your consumer base. These are typically less expensive, and they are well worth it for attracting the attention of folks who are specifically looking for what you have to offer. People who search for long, specialized strings of keywords usually have more focus. And it is the intent of the people you reach through google Ads that makes them so valuable as compared to facebook ads.

Have the look on search engines another than google

3. Harness intent

The most fundamental distinction between people reached through Google Ads and and not for facebook ads those reached through other forms of advertising is their intent.

People who use social media, for example, do not want to be advertised to facebook ads. They aren’t looking for solutions to the problems that plague them on a daily basis. They want pictures of babies, vacations, and family updates. And when you market to someone who does not want to be advertised to, you are more likely to be tuned out.

However, on the search network, you are not advertising to people who do not wish to be advertised to. You’re advertising to people who are looking for something specific, such as the finest post-click landing page platform for agencies, and when your ad appears, it assists them in finding the answer rather than interfering with their internet browsing experience which cannot be done through facebook ads.

Some experts even regard search ads to be a type of inbound marketing rather than outbound advertising because they help someone who has already taken the initial step in looking for it. Allow prospects to come to you via Ad, then assist them in finding answers, and you’ll be in a position to earn their business when they’re ready to pull out their cheque book


4. Maintain complete command of your campaigns at all times.

To execute ad campaigns that reach as many people as Ads can, you used to have to jump hurdles and cut through thick red tape. These initiatives would require time and resources that could be better spend on google ads rather then on facebook ads.

Buying ad space with software, often known as “programmatic advertising,” on the other hand, is simple enough for even a single well trained individual to do. They’ll be able to start and end campaigns, reach the right people at the right pricing, and do it all instantaneously with minimal training. This frees up your resources and focus for more pressing things.

5. Bring any budget you have to the table.

Winning a click can cost a company hundreds of dollars. Long-tail keywords in the law business can fetch up to $1,000 per click:

However, most keywords are not as expensive. Even if they do, one advantage of utilizing Ads is the ability to set daily budgets, maximum bids, and other parameters. That way, even if you’re not always watching your account, you can be confident that you’ll never spend more than you want to but it’s different in facebook ads. Dinesh Thakur says:

6. View Google Ads results in an easy-to-understand format.

You won’t know how to improve if you don’t know what you’re doing incorrectly. Some analytics dashboards make it practically hard to determine what that is.

Google, fortunately, simplifies and simplifies everything. Learn about simple information like clicks, impressions, keyword budget, and so on, or go deeper with a Google Analytics integration. It allows you to see exactly how visitors interact with your website, right down to what they click, where they go next, and how long they remain. Google ads provides a better interface than facebook ads.

Also visit: SEO October updates2022

7. Get quicker results than with SEO

The majority of popular websites continue to rely on search engine optimization. The posts and pages on page one are not only well-written and contain well-researched keywords; they are also on sites with a large number of backlinks (still the number one ranking factor for web pages).

It can take years before one of your own pages appears in the coveted top place for a broad keyword search term. Some companies will never see it.

When you begin with Google, your odds of outranking all organic results on a search engine results page improve dramatically, and it also becomes much easier. There will be no constant search for links that will boost your page just a tad; there will be no pouring over keyword density on your post-click landing page. Start running advertisements either facebook ads or google ads to increase your chances of being seen first thing on a page like this, when organic results don’t even appear until below the fold:

8. Build brand awareness

People usually identify “Google Adverts” with driving traffic through pay-per-click advertisements on search engine results pages. Google ads , on the other hand, is more versatile. as compared to facebook ads They can also be an excellent strategy for increasing brand awareness, which research shows is what the most successful marketers prioritize:

Before we go any further, let’s define the term “brand.” David Ogilvy provided perhaps the greatest explanation decades ago: “the intangible sum of a product’s attributes: its name, packaging, and price, its history, reputation, and the way it’s sold.” Building trust with your visitors requires you to reinforce your brand identity, personality, reputation, and so on. The more you do these things consistently, the better your brand will grow and the more trust you will gain from prospects. And trust is ultimately what will gain you purchases and devoted consumers.

Even if potential buyers don’t go through the Ads search network, they will notice your brand, tagline, what you provide, and whatever else you utilize your copy and extensions to highlight. You may also prioritize brand exposure by displaying your ad to a larger number of people through the facebook Ads but its not that worth . Concentrate on clicks or conversions (more on bidding strategies in a bit.) Both tactics enable advertisers to emphasize the most important aspects of their business, and strengthen it .”The intangible sum of a product’s attributes: its name, packaging, and price, its history, its reputation, and the way it’s advertised.”

9. Earn more conversions

Google considers post-click landing page experience when determining which ads are shown to browsing prospects. Ad networks that do not prioritize landing page experience will allow you to drive internet surfers to any old page, according to a Google Ads support page. It may be a homepage or a “about” page — and this would quickly deplete your budget because visitors do not want to look for what you promised them in your ad. It shows more quality conversions than Facebook ads.

However, in order for your advertising to get viewed on Google’s network, you must first create a highly persuasive post-click landing page. And when you create a very persuasive post-click landing page, you’ll maximize ad spend for two reasons:

Message correspondence

Design that is focused

10. Maximize ROI with different bidding strategies

A compelling post-click landing page designed to please Google isn’t the only thing that will increase your advertising ROI. The Ads team has developed numerous distinct bidding strategies to assist you achieve certain marketing goals while consuming the least amount of your budget:

If you want to drive website visitors, Google advises CPC bidding. If you want to build brand exposure, Google offers CPM bidding which is facebook ads, not offers, which stands for “cost per thousand viewable impressions.” With this strategy, you determine the amount of money you’re ready to pay for 1,000 people to see your advertisement in full view. It is only available on the Google Display Network and not on the Google Search Network or on facebook ads search .

When it comes to conversions like purchases or sign-ups, Google suggests that advertisers employ CPA bidding.

If your primary goal is to increase brand recognition. You’ll be able to show your adverts to more individuals than if Google tried to offer your advertising exclusively to people who had the best likelihood of clicking or converting. It also works the other way around.

If your aim is farther down the funnel action, such as a click or a conversion. You can bid on that, and Google will stop showing your ad to everyone and instead show it to folks who are more likely to convert.

Which type of ad is best to maximize your marketing efforts? 

Ad Type No. 1: Responsive Search Ads (RSAs)

Expanded text advertising is the most modern version of standard text ads,’ with space for up to three headlines and two descriptions. Google phased them off on June 30, 2022 in favor of RSAs that can customize and add text to specific search queries. RSAs provide more options for headlines (15) and descriptions (4), allowing for larger reach and A/B testing without the need for separate ads. Google will test several combinations of your headlines and descriptions until it finds the most effective one, tweaking text to reach potential consumers at the perfect time as compared to facebook ads. The disadvantage of these ad styles is that each headline must work well with the others, giving a clear message regardless of the order in which they appear. Some headlines can be pinned, such as if you wish to always show the brand name in Headline 1, although this is not encouraged because it can impede ad content optimization.

Ad Type No. 2: Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs)

Dynamic search advertising (DSAs) automatically populate search adverts with material from your website. These advertisements appear within search campaigns and are intended to be utilized with well-developed websites that have distinct content categories and a significant inventory of products. DSAs target your advertising to users seeking for similar items or services based on the content on your website. This saves you a lot of time during setup and guarantees you’re using keywords you would have missed otherwise. However, because of the automation, you have little influence over what your ad will say. Google makes every effort to keep material relevant to the pages you designate. You can send a page feed to Google to produce these ad types if you sell different product lines or even just one range of products.

Ad Type No. 3: Display Ads

Image ads run on the Google Display Network, which means they can appear on websites that partner with Google to supply ad space (such as Gmail, Google Finance, and YouTube); Google will pick to show them on websites that your target demographic frequents. Image advertising, also known as display ads, can be static or animated visuals and are recommended for brand recognition initiatives. Text advertising (inside search campaigns) are aimed at consumers lower down the marketing funnel.

Ad Type No. 4: App Promotion Ads

App promotion ads do precisely what their name implies: they promote an app. These advertisements appear on the Google Search and Display Networks, as well as Google Play, YouTube, and Google Discover. App marketing can promote app downloads, app engagement, or app pre-registration. You can launch an Apple Search Ads campaign to promote your ad within the Apple App Store.

Ad Type No. 5: Video Ads

Several video ad types enable you to provide a more engaging experience to visitors by reaching them on Google Partner sites and platforms (such as YouTube). Video advertising is a profitable ad format that is suited for higher funnel goals and is advised for businesses with the budget to invest in video assets. YouTube users watch over a billion hours of video content every day. According to a Google/Talk Shoppe research, 70% of people purchased from a brand after watching their ad on YouTube. Video ads are better on google ads as compared to facebook ads.

Ad Tye No. 6: Shopping Ads

Shopping Ads display for sale items together with a product image, title, price, and a link to the online store. All of this data is retrieved from your Google Merchant Center account via the product data feed you provide. Your product shopping ad campaign will appear at the top or down the right side of the search engine results page (SERP); shopping advertisements can appear on both the Google Search Network and Google Images. You will need a shopping cart on your website to run shopping advertising (e.g., through Shopify, BigCommerce or the like). Smart Shopping campaigns are a type of Shopping ad that features more automated bidding and targeting. This year, Smart Shopping marketing will be upgraded to Performance Max campaigns, This can be also done in facebook ads.

Ad Type No. 7: Local Search Ads

This ad type is perfect for advertisers who want to drive store visits or phone calls to specific business locations. Google will create an ad for you based on the assets you give (e.g., text, images and videos). Advertisements can be seen on the Google Search Network, Google Maps, YouTube, and the Google Display Network. this is not available in facebook ads.

Google will upgrade local campaigns to Performance Max in 2022. To maximize targeting, local campaigns rely on Google’s automation. With one campaign and one product stream, you can efficiently generate in-store visits and online sales. Advertisements can appear across all of Google’s networks, including Google Maps, YouTube, and the Google Search Network.

Ad Type No. 8: Call-Only Ads

Call-only advertisements are displayed on mobile devices and allow you to promote phone calls. These can be configured to run exclusively during business hours or at all times. When a user clicks on the ad, it calls you directly from the SERP. These ad kinds will still have headlines and descriptions and will seem similar to ordinary text advertising. However, unlike call extensions, these ads kinds run as their own advertising, inviting a user to call your business directly, whereas text ads take the user to a landing page.

Ad Type No. 9: Local Service Ads

This ads category allows you to pay solely for leads generated by the ad. It is ideal for local firms that provide a specialized service area (e.g., plumbers, lawyers, tax services, etc.). These adverts appear at the top of the search results page and are labeled “Google Screened” or “Google Guaranteed.” To run this form of advertisement, your company must go through a screening and verification process, which includes a background check.

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Everyone is aware of Facebook ads, but do they understand how to make the most of Facebook ads?

We’re so used to going through Facebook ads and seeing ads that we almost don’t notice them, and this is a great tool for marketers. How can you use Facebook ads for your business and receive a positive return on investment?

How Do Facebook Ads Work?

What are facebook ads?

Facebook ads is now available in several formats. You can promote your Page, particular posts on your Page, user behaviors, or your website as a whole. You can still send users to your website despite Facebook ads increased emphasis on native ads and sustaining traffic on its site.

Facebook Ads forms include photos, movies, carousels (many images), Instant Experiences, and collections.

Facebook ads are targeted to users based on their location, demographics, and profile information. Many of these options are only available in Facebook ads.

After creating your ad, you set a budget and bid on each click or thousand impressions.

How does Facebook ads work?

Users will then see your adverts in the Facebook ads sidebar or in their newsfeed.

Our first goal as marketers is to increase traffic to our own websites. Building a Facebook ads is excellent, but when you lead someone to your website, you control the medium, giving you the best opportunity of achieving your goals.

While Facebook ads options are excellent for increasing engagement and brand exposure, advertising that drives visitors off-site remains the greatest option for direct response advertisers hoping to generate a sale.

Top Tips for Creating Facebook Ads

Facebook ads has a lot of potential, but it isn’t as simple as writing some material and watching the sales role in. Getting Facebook Ads correctly requires careful planning and plenty of testing until you find the perfect strategy.

Here are nine essential ideas for optimizing your Facebook ads campaigns.

Facebook Ads Should Be Targeted

We asked at the start of this article: why advertise on Facebook ads? The key factors were reach and Facebook’s near-unrivaled targeting.

The issue is that many businesses do not take use of the targeting options available to them. They believe that more is better, while in fact, what matters is getting your products or services in front of the individuals who need them the most.

The most common mistake most marketers make with Facebook ads is incorrect targeting.

Facebook ads targeting capabilities are unrivaled. You can target folks who are similar to your best clients by demographics and creating custom or lookalike audiences.. Retargeting advertising can also be used to target visitors who interacted with your page or visited your website. On Facebook ads , you can directly target users by:






relationship status




Each option can be useful, depending on your audience. Most marketers should focus on location, age, gender, and interests.

Location allows you to target users in the country, state, city, or zip code that you service.

Age and gender targeting should be based on your existing customers. If women 25-44 are the bulk of your customers, start out targeting them. If they prove to be profitable, you can then expand your targeting.

Interest targeting is the most powerful but misused feature of Facebook ads. When creating an ad, you have two options: broad categories or detailed interests.


Q1. Does Google Ads really work?

Google is one of the most profitable organizations on the planet for a reason: Google Ads generate revenue because people continue to use it! Check out how much money some of the biggest Google Ads spenders spend each year – $40 to $50 million!

Here are a few tips for making Google Ads less expensive and more successful.

Discover how to utilize it: This is the most common reason people waste money Because they haven’t taken the effort to grasp Google Ads. Unfortunately, it is not a self-explanatory, simple method. Understanding the intricacies of paid search takes time, research, and practice. Spend time reading and watching instructional webinars to learn about account structure, match kinds, and negative equity.

Use more restrictive match types: Are your match types all set to broad? That explains why Google Ads is so pricey! Broader match types increase the likelihood of your advertising being delivered to a far bigger, and often irrelevant, audience, resulting in wasted clicks. I’m not suggesting you stop using broad match keywords, but make sure to set up negatives to block irrelevant searches, bid higher on phrase and exact keywords to get more relevant clicks, and monitor your Search Query report on a regular basis to see if you’re bidding on the keywords people are actually searching for.

Set a reasonable budget and bidding strategy: Budgeting and bidding might be a full-time job in and of themselves, but don’t overcomplicate the process. Determine how much you can actually spend on each campaign and establish your daily budget accordingly. What about bids? To have the most granular control over your account without letting Google run the show, I usually advocate bidding manually for budget-conscious marketers.

Check that you are not on Search with Display Select: Being on search and display might be beneficial for advertisers seeking maximum visibility and branding, but many users choose this option blindly and are left perplexed as to how their daily budget was drained so rapidly. The display network, on the other hand, takes your adverts and displays them across the web rather than just in search results. Because the objective differs while surfing the web versus searching, I normally recommend dividing these campaigns and having separate strategies and budgets for each.

2) Where and when do the google ads appear?

Your ads will appear as small advertisements on the right side or above the search results (in sections labeled with a yellow ‘Ads’ icon), as well as on other partner websites (if applicable to your campaign).

When potential buyers search for the terms in your campaign, the adverts show. Each keyword has a cost associated with its popularity. The owner of the advertisement will pay a per-click payment ranging from a few cents to many dollars/rupees each time an advertisement is clicked on. The position of your advertisement will be determined by the amount of money you are ready to pay each click.

You can also specify which countries your advertising should appear in. If you merely want to target your local area (for example, Mumbai or Thane), you can do so! You always have complete control over who sees your advertisements.

3) What keywords should I use?

An important step in conducting a successful PPC campaign is determining which keywords work best for your sector. Conducting this research for you is an important aspect of our service. As Google AdWords Professionals, we have access to a variety of technologies that can assist us in identifying the most “cost effective” terms for your company. whether using google or facebook ads The best keywords are very specific, such as “Melbourne florist” against the more broad “florist.” After a few weeks, it will become evident which of the suggested keywords are actually being used most frequently in searches. The distinction between similar words, such as singular vs plural or noun vs verb, may astound you. We will then alter your campaign on a regular basis to focus on the popular keywords.

How do I get my ads to rank #1 in Google?

Unfortunately, no firm or consultant can ever promise a number one ranking. This is due to the fact that there are numerous unpredictable external factors that cause rankings to fluctuate. Among the factors are:

Seasonality AdWords competitors Google algorithm changes Quality rating

The greatest AdWords experts are constantly willing to adjust or pivot methods in order to maintain their clients at the top. This necessitates ongoing awareness when it comes to campaign monitoring, whether it’s adjusting keywords, generating new ad groups, or anything else. Having a team that knows Google’s algorithm upgrades, has experience responding to an ever-changing digital environment, and can go deep into debugging will assist enhance the rank of your ad in search engines.

5.only want qualified leads. How do I get that?

We do A/B tests on a regular basis to determine whether advertising, bidding methods, landing pages, or keywords generate the most quality leads.

This is the most efficient and cost-effective method for determining what works and what does not. The concept is simple: present two different commercials to the same audience and observe which one works better.

The A/B test data is saved in both Google AdWords and Google Analytics. Our study of the collected data enables us to decide the next optimization steps to capture the best qualified leads for our clients.

Why we enjoy testing: A/B testing is the quickest approach to learn about your audience, messaging, and sales cycle.

6. Is SEO or AdWords a better strategy to rank in Google?

This is a difficult topic, but the answer boils down to how quickly you need to see results and what those results should be.

Choose SEO if you want to increase the legitimacy and relevance of your website as well as organically develop your online presence in order to reach new clients.

Choose AdWords if you want to increase visitors to your website right away.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the entire strategy for increasing your website’s organic ranking in search results. This can be accomplished through “technical on-page SEO” and the creation of relevant content for potential buyers, a practice called inbound marketing. Google’s “bots” will “learn more” about your website if you create meaningful, keyword-rich content, visual assets, and more. They will crawl the site, take note of each page, index it, and deliver relevant results to visitors looking for information.

To see results, SEO requires time, experience, study, knowledge, and a strong team. Ranking #1 in SEO may be a difficult aim if your company has many competitors.

Because you pay for your adverts to appear on Google search engines, AdWords immediately increases website traffic. What makes AdWords so effective is that it exposes your products or services to new consumers who are actively looking for them. If your website does not appear on the first page of Google search results, this technique is recommended. Google AdWords assists millions of businesses in reaching new customers as well as increasing brand awareness, traffic, and sales or leads.

In short, SEO is a long-term strategy with delayed returns, but AdWords may get firms on Google’s first page within hours.

Tip: In addition to AdWords, we frequently promote Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest as paid search platforms.

7.How long will it take to see data and achieve goals with AdWords?

Data (such as clicks, cost per click, and impressions) can begin to be collected as soon as an AdWords account is activated. However, gathering enough statistically relevant data to assess patterns and trends in AdWords accounts takes time. Achieving company goals using AdWords can take anywhere from a few days to a year. When an AdWords account is activated, our Mad Fish staff closely analyzes performance and makes minor adjustments to improve metrics.A few things we keep our eye on are:

Searches that trigger ads

Number of ads clicks

Ad rank

Budget spending patterns

Number of conversions

Day and time of conversions

Good to know: We use Google AdWords, Google Analytics and other digital platforms to measure, calculate, and compare performance.

8.What to Expect in the First 7 Days of Running Google Ads

When you activate your Google Ads account for the first time, Google typically reviews and approves your account within 24-48 hours.

Google takes another 7 days once you receive permission to:

Gather vital information about your firm.

Learn more about your chosen topic.

Consider your target audience.

Depending on the size of your firm and the complexity of your audience, this step may take longer.

9.What is CTR and Why is it Important?

The most important factor in establishing how relevant your Ad campaign is to your target audience is the click-through rate. Google will be forced to calculate secondary factors such as:

Keyword to ad relevance

Ad to landing page relevance

Website load time

Historical account performance

If Google can’t precisely assess your campaign right now, it’s risky for them to show you among other Google Ads advertisers with proven track histories, known as High-Quality Scores. This is advantageous for your company because you will not have to compete directly with companies who have higher scores than you!

After completing this learning process, you will have the opportunity to alter your ad for improved conversions and a higher quality score. Then, when you have to compete with well-established Google Ads, you will have a superior experience!

Now that you’ve learned about CTRs, let’s talk about the Google Ads learning curve.

2. What are some of the demographics you can target on Facebook ads?

You can target location, age, gender, interests, connections, relationship status, languages, education, and workplaces on facebook ads.

3.Can you retargeting on Facebook ads?

Yes, this allows you to capture users who have visited your site before but didn’t convert yet.

4.What should I include in my Facebook ads copy?

In facebook ads Follow the famous AIDA copywriting formula to write successful ads: write an Attention-grabbing headline, drive user Interest by mentioning benefits, create Desire for your product, and end the ad with a CTA.

Hope you find out which type of ad will be better for you Facebook ads or google ads.

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