SEO Updates May 2022

SEO Updates May 2022

Here we cover last month news all over comes from SEO world, this is our SEO Last Month May 2022 edition. If we missed any major updates let us know in the comment.

SEO Updates May 2022

3 May 2022

  • Twitter Launched “Twitter Circle” feature
SEO Updates May 2022

  • Microsoft Ads announced many new feature.
SEO Updates May 2022

4 May 2022

  • Google published Ad Safety 2021 Report.
SEO Updates May 2022

5 May 2022

  • Google deindexed the homepage of Moz
SEO Updates May 2022

  • LinkedIn announced some changes in its feed.
SEO Updates May 2022

6 May 2022

  • Google announced removal of some extension tags of image and video sitemaps.
SEO Updates May 2022

9 May 2022

  • Google Marketing Live event teased a lot of new ads related features.
  • Google published new rules for cloud kitchens.
  • Google SEO Course Controversy

11 May 2022

  • Google announced upcoming features in Google I/O 2022.

12 May 2022

  • Google Search Console will show video page indexing report.
SEO Updates May 2022

13 May 2022

  • Google Search Console will show desktop search result impressions of more features.
  • Bing closed its anonymous sitemap pin function.

23 May 2022

  • Google Chrome will show search results of Google Lens in a sidebar in the same window.

25 May 2022

  • Google started roll out of May 2022 Broad Core Updates

To read full official update click on the button, hope it helps your and keep updated in SEO world.

Thanks for your Time.

1 thought on “SEO Updates May 2022”

  1. Pingback: SEO Updates July 2022 - Ask Shashank Sir

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